Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin 当苏联军队逼近柏林的时候,希特勒自杀了。
As Parretti walked across the tarmac, fraud officers closed in. 当帕雷蒂穿过柏油路的时候,反欺诈警察围了上去。
The dark nights and cold weather are closing in. 黑夜降临,天气开始变冷。
They seemed close in spirit to those first independent-minded Turkish women who took professions 她们在本质上似乎和那些最早出去工作的具有独立思想的土耳其女性很相似。
You cannot close in the door. 你不能关门。
The two sisters are close in age with only one year between. 她们姐儿俩挨肩儿,就差一岁。
The acquisition is expected to close in the first quarter of 2013. 收购预计将在2013年完成。
B: You'd better hurry. It's gonna close in ten minutes. 那你得快点了,再十分钟就要关门了。
He sat up and felt the dark walls of Santa Caterina close in on him. 他坐起来,感到圣卡塔林纳的黑黢黢的墙壁将他团团围住了。
If the parties want to make absolutely sure of the validity of the transaction, they will close in escrow. 如果买卖双方想绝对确保交易的合法性,他们需履行提存手续。
When a company is disbanded, ordered to close in accordance with law, or announced bankrupt, the stock exchanges shall terminate the listing of its bonds and report for the record to the securities regulatory body under the State Council. 公司解散、依法被责令关闭或者被宣告破产的,由证券交易所终止其公司债券上市,并报国务院证券监督管理机构备案。
Compressed UTF-8 will likely be close in size to compressed UTF-16, regardless of the initial size difference. 压缩后,UTF-8和UTF-16的大小差不多,不论原始大小相差多少。
So storing the rows of that city physically close in disk does make a lot of sense. 所以在物理上将那个城市的一些行存储在相邻的位置的确很有意义。
Then, the actual clusters can be calculated by grouping together the items that are close in distance. 然后,通过将距离相近的项目归类到一起,可以计算出实际集群。
An alternative to canceling your checkout is to contact your P8 administrator and request that he or she temporarily increase the limit that caused the storage area to close in the first place. 除了取消签出外,还有一种方法是预先与P8管理员联系,请求他/她临时增加限制值,避免存储区域转换关闭。
The largest marine census ever conducted that is, a count of every single organism living in Earths oceans draws to a close in 2010. 最大的海洋生物普查项目(即记录生活在海洋中的每一种生物)已于2010年接近尾声。
Close in life to Michael Jackson, Taylor is now even closer to the singer in death as she was buried in the same mausoleum building where he was laid to rest in 2009. 泰勒生前和2009年去世的巨星迈克尔杰克逊友情颇为深厚,此次她安葬的陵园也正是好友长眠的地方。
In March this year, you and I had very close in Seoul, Korea, and over the past three months, the working teams of both countries have been working in real earnest to follow through with the important agreement you and I reached. 今年三月,我们在韩国首尔进行了密切磋商,过去三个月来,两国的工作团队一直在认真努力,以便落实你我达成的重要协议。
So, yeah, now I was feeling more close in Grand Slam. 所以我感到我离大满贯冠军更近了。
But evening began to close in, and the luggage did not arrive, and they had brought nothing more than they stood in. 但是已经到了晚上了,行李还没有送到,而他们除了身上穿的衣服外什么也没有带。
Even more than peers, siblings close in age are likely to share a common 'language' and cultural 'recipes', the study said. 这篇研究报告说:比一般同龄人更近一步,年龄相仿的兄弟姐妹更可能拥有共同的‘语言’和文化‘食谱’。
The transaction is subject to shareholder approval and expected to close in the third quarter. 合并还有待股东批准,预计将在今年第三季度完成。
The acquisition is expected to close in the second quarter. 收购预计在今年第二季度完成。
He says it works best if a company focuses on one or two potential hit products. It also helps to choose products that are reasonably close in function or style to the original item, Mr. Adamson says. 他说,如果一家公司专垃于一两样可能取得成功的商品,就能达到最佳效果。选择与原产品功能或类型适当接近的产品也会有所说明。
What time do the banks close in Hong Kong? 香港的银行什么时候关门?
Yu Shuang, a 14-year-old contestant, came close in an early round. 14岁的参赛选手余爽在早轮比赛中差点就写对了。
It may take some time to get into the place where you can make the jump, but doing this together can make you feel closer through thick and thin, and even close in danger and disaster. 登上蹦极点可能需要耗费一点时间,但是一起蹦极可以拉近两人的距离,不畏艰险同甘共苦,危险与灾难面前,更是如此。
Your thoughts close in on the problem like ravenous wolves. 你迫近问题的想法像一只贪婪的狼。